Sunday, October 27, 2024

Final update

14 years ago I started a blog and website- though I now have many sites- only 1 had the function to go back over those 14 years and to follow the journey and see the progression of things. I documented time I took pkps to the VA- also when pops sadly died- I covered when I too started treatment myself- and when I felt it would be better for me to stop the treatment  I had documented lots of things in a progression of life. When my time comes I hoped my kids might go back and see the years I was doing well and then made choices and the reasons why. That entire work was only accessible on my 1st blog. That will never be repaired. I felt like that purpose was done- but now it's gone. I don't see all of this as what's the next thing to post- no- it's a story over time that when you pass away hopefully others can benefit from. I have tried to fix what I can- it's simply impossible to do. I'll keep posting as much as possible but I have been working non stop to fix what will never be fixed- it's impossible to go back to all these other sites and remove dead blogger links- it's impossible for me to recreate a 14 year blogroll for others to go back to. The damage is simply done for good.  Sad experience. 

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