Blogger update 3-6-25 [I need to document these- Thanks for your patience- John Chiarello]
3-1-25 1PM
Blogger update- I am still dealing with the fallout of the main Blog being deleted. Yes- it seems strange- but let me explain.
As most know- I do many web/social media sites. Years ago I had to choose which one would be the main web site- the host site that would link to all others.
I chose Blogger- yes- though I have many sites- it was the only one that allowed for long posts- and the add to any share.
Now- all the other sites over time either had Blogger as the main link shared- or it was the link at the bottom of every post to finish reading the post.
All of these posts also had Blogger links in them as well.
There are over a million dead/deleted links on sites all over the world right now.
Sites that are not even on my ‘list’ because I started the list over time and all sites are not there.
There are many friends over the years that only knew how to find us thru the Blog.
Yes- the early raido friends and many more only knew the main blog.
They are lost- and have no idea till this day what happened.
My schedule has changed- for life.
Because Blogger was the main site- when I made the posts to re-edit- these came from blogger.
So I now have to re-do the posts and am making an entire new catalog of edited posts [Not posted yet].
I had to re-open old sites for this- it took days just to work this one part out- and this is only one part.
I had to figure out new ways to run the sites.
I will never finish this in the time I have left- never.
I can not make up for 17 years of posts all over the internet.
I made an attempt to find another site- but it really serves no purpose at this stage in life.
I can not fix what has been destroyed- and obviously do not have another 17 years to do this.
So these updates are important for people who see all the dead links- they need to be aware of what’s going on.
I don’t even have time to update this page right now- but I am working day n night- non stop- trying to fix some of this- and it’s easier to give the update- John
Also- I noticed the Blog views started going up a lot before it was deleted- even when I was not sharing from it.
The Blog was the only site that had 17 years of archives- meaning you could go to each month and click the links.
I make all our videos free for download- many Pastors/Christians in Africa and all over the world must have seen this.
I assume they started going back over the 17 years and were downloading all the free videos- Great!
All those free links are gone too- some can be found- but not like you had from the Blog.
So yes- it’s get worse as I go along- the damage is simply the worst ever since I started the ministry in 1987- this is not an over statement.
1-17-25 Blogger update. I found out today that my main blog []
was started in 2007- not 2012. I was on Blogger from 2007 thru 2024- a total of 17 years. The estimated Links/Posts that were deleted are around 1.7 million. I never counted all the posts that others shared [I have 1 site on the phone that shows a friend who reposts my posts. I do not have all the sites/apps on the phone]. Just 1 person re-posting brings the deleted posts up a few hundred thousand alone. I have no idea how many other sites/people reposted our blog links over 17 years. If you counted all the blog links in every deleted post [from all the sites] this would bring the potential number of dead Blogger links into the millions. I learned this by going to some of the ‘way-back’ machine type sites and it showed the Blog started in 2007- not 2012. I have to deal with this because I am still using many of the sites with dead links- sadly- and see them from time to time. I made updates on Facebook during this time- some were serious in nature. I did not post those to ‘Blogger Page’. If you go to my Facebook profile from 9-24 to around 12-24 you can find them.
1-17-25 Bloggled
12-21-24 Blogger update- Hopefully this will be the last. I need to do this so all my other sites know what might have taken place. Around 9-2024 Blogger flagged a few posts- Okay. The comments made to me made no sense to be honest- things that I had no idea what they were talking about- Political in nature. This was right before the 2024 election. I have posted over the years about politics and world events. Yet these notices made no sense. Then I noticed one day all the Blogger links did not work- these are links I share to other sites- they need to work. I contatced Blogger thru Linkedin and a few other sites- asked them what was goin on. Then a short time later they deleted the entire Blog! I was shocked- I could not explain the damge that this caused. Even today the fallout is still going on. On just one site alone- OK- which are my Ukraine contacts- they deleted hundreds of thousands of links. These are not only links I shared to the site- but from the site as well. For heavens sake- this is a war torn country- to have done this at this time is tragic to say the least. So if Blogger deleted a chirstian site- which I posted to 7-9 times a day- every day- for 14 years non stop- if this was done out of a political motive [yes- I did post things critical of President Biden- but I have been fair and did this with all sides of the aisle]. It would be sad- to sacrifice a consistent 14 year Blogger- who takes no money- gives moneyto the poor- tries to reach the world- well this is sad indeed. Look at this link as you can see all the Blogger links are now dead. This is less than 1/10th of a percent of the dead links all over the internet. So I do this upate to give context to my other sites- John
11-9-24 Blogger Update- This week it seemed like the 1st Blog was going to go back up- then it did not. I made this post the other day for that purpose- it was in response to the 1st Blog being restored. I will post it today because it will serve as an update and hopefully be helpful- John
I still hope the 2nd can be up as well- There are many links I shared to other sites from that Blog too.
A while back the 1st Blog lost the ‘addtoanyshare’ and in a rush I set up the 2nd Blog- not to say ‘see I can beat the system’ but I rely on Blogger for the Share function as well as posting.
I only have 1 other site with the share function [addtoany] and that’s why I rushed to set up the 2nd Blog.
When the share function on both started working- then I used both. The 3rd Blog was [is] now the Blog I am using- both for the shares as well as all the new links/studies on there right now.
I debated about deleting this page- but I think it might explain to the other sites what I’m doing and how I function.
I use many sites and post to them from many other sites. Why? If 1 site goes down- over time these other sites only have that sites links on them- that makes thousands of dead links on that site- not just the website that goes down- but the other sites that link is shared to.
When something like that happens I do my best to fix it- then leave it as is. When a main Blog/website goes down- that that becomes a major problem- that can never truly be fixed.
The dead links will always be out there.
So I will try and post this update to the pages that talked about this experience.
I will not be able to keep updating this page- if is restored too- I will be gratefull and those who are reading this will simply be able to check if it goes up in the future.
I do not plan on posting to the first 2 Blogs- I just needed the links and sites to work.
The first 2 Blogs were signed in from an old Yahoo email which I can’t get into anymore- that’s why I used to pause my Chrome account- just so I could post to the 1st Blogger. [If possible can you have all my Blogs on my Gmail/Main chrome sign in? That would help].
So thank you Sundar- Blogger- Google- all of you.
If you see old posts with things that are not right for Blogger- just remove the post- that’s fine.
But the dead links were a huge problem that for the most part is now fixed- Thank you- John Chiarello.
Here are all my Blogs [Blogger]
The 1st is [was] the most important- it was there before all other sites and I had ministry cards with that as the only site on it. My Radio shows [still online] asked people to find us thru that Blog. Many old sites still have that as the main [only] site- with hundreds of thousands of links that I will never be able to delete.
The 2nd I started to have the share function when that was removed from the 1st- I then used it as the next ‘main’ blog for a long time- this too has many thousands of blogger links at the bottom of thousands of posts all over the internet. Those links at the bottom of every post took you back to Blogger to finish reading the post. It also had many other links as well. When the Blogs were removed this effected thousands of posts worldwide.
The 3rd Blog is now the main blog I use. I started it after the first 2 were removed. Why? I made the effort to find other sites with the addtoany share function- which I need. I now have 8 new websites [last 2 months] yet none have that function. So this 3rd Blogger now has many links- studies- posts all over the internet. So I need this Blog as well as the others- it’s not a choice of which one to choose- as explained above I had no intention of ever starting a 2nd Blog- yet I had to- then the 3rd and so on- as of now they are all needed.
The last Blog was simply an hour at my daughters house where she signed in to her account and we posted some links- that Blog will be left as is.
[I will post this to the top of my Blogger page as well as here for the update- John]
Below are some of the posts/ updates I made when Blogger- without notice- Deleted 2 of our Blogs. One of them was the main ministry website from the start [started in 2012]. I could not believe they would take down an entire ministry website like that.
It’s not like banning someone from facebook- but a consistent christian ministry with 1,500,000 million views over 15 years [Both sites stats]. I actually could not believe it.
The damage done was great. I tried to expalain to them that these Blogger links are in 100’s of websites and thousands of posts all over the internet- they were the main links at the bottom of each post as well as links to studies I did over the years.
As of now I am on about 127 web/social sites world wide with hundreds of thousands of posts with Blogger links in them. I have removed some of the links [other sites don’t want dead links] but realize I will never be able to remove them all.
I tried to explain to them that this was a major set back to anyone who uses Blogger/Google for a trusted source. But those sites are gone and it seems the damage was intended. I will add this page to some of my sites to simply bring light to what happened. This is not removing a person from Facebook- it’s removing an entire ministry web site- with devastating consequences to the ministry- John
Blogger note-
Last note- This Sunday sermon [and all?] is not the whole post. Today- Friday- I prepare this post. I used the old Blog link to do this. At the bottom of this you see it. Because the Blogger link is dead- well you just get the top of the Sunday sermon. I must say my experience with Google- Blogger- Yotube these past feww weeks has been the worst. On the notes/videos below you will see activity from the company that is criminal in nature. These are now documented by me saving the Links to posts this past week. The lesson has been learned- the damage is done- and there activity with me is documented- John
Note- below are just parts of posts I made during the time- if you go go my sites and read the full posts for the month you might see more- John
This weeks updates-
9-13-24 He held the bag [These are links from the posts this last week- I also spoke about this on these posts- John]
9-11-24 4pm- Just realized the date now- and yes- that’s
the way most things are for me. I just got back from seeing homeless friends for about 3 hours.
Talked to one for some time. About life- recovery and end of life to come. Quoted and taught from the words of Jesus about a few things he himself brought up.
He- like many others was clean for about 4 months and had what many call a relapse. So I tried to give some insights how not to give up and a little more in depth talk about my view of recovery.
Now- why write this note- the first in a very long time? Well my word software does not have spell check at the moment- sure- I can go back and check- but this takes a bit more time.
Also- I don’t have the time anymore to write new stuff- this m ight be the last ‘new’ entry- ever. Over time I hoped most people realized that I have been reposting old posts from years gone by.
Sure- I try and check for old news comments and stuff, and if I can remove them I do. But I have made notes [Somewhere?] that this is what you night see from time to time. I simply am not at the time in life to write new things anymore [or make new videos- unless I have to]
If sites I’m on see a page titled ‘New Sites’ which is an old page of a few old sites which I did not change to a new title yet [Catalog scroll shares]- some of these sites are to the right of the aisle- then they might think ‘these are his NEW sites- we must delete the entire Blog site!’
[Which just happened to 2 Blog sites- one of them was the main website from the start- much damage was done because I used Blogger links in many posts over the years, these are now what we call ‘dead links’ and that’s not good at all]
No- those are my older sites- just a few of many- and it just so happens that some of those are to the right of the aisle. But if you go to the page titled ‘Links to my sites’ you will see many more sites and some of those are to the left of the aisle.
I am on about 127 sites right now all over the world.
So life is at times full of stuff- stuff you have to get done- stuff you need to get done- and stuff you want to get done.
For me- it’s nice to hit the keyboard for the first time in a long time [to write] but that’s “Stuff” I don’t do anymore [Just took me a minute to find the quotation mark- really].
So- I pray God will bless you all- I will try to keep posting old “stuff”’ because most of the important teachings in the New Testament are in those re-posted studies.
And I don’t have time to re-write what I have written before.
God bless all- John [ I am adding this note again to the Sunday post, so I don’t lose it- John]
9-12-24 Sundar Pichai [Message to him]
9-12-24 Sundar Pichai- CEO Google.mp4
On this video I’m talking about the hashtag that Chrome recommended to me the last few weeks- Hashtags that spoke of self harm- or ‘die’ which are hashtags I never used in my life. I spoke about this on the videos the last week [Youtube has just now blocked my main channel and banned this video- it is uploaded to a backup account]. This came to the attention of the authorities and they now see what was being recommended did indeed come from google. I emailed Sundar Pichai yesterday and made this video to let him know that this was the problem- most of all- about what’s now happening. This is no longer about a Blog or being Banned from Youtube- this is about criminal activity. You cannot suggest a person ‘Die’ or do self harm by suggesting that hashtag to him, over and over again. Note- I did not contact the authorities about this- they obviously saw my videos this week. John Chiarello
Moblie update 9-12-24 Link here-
Update- as you know for some reason Google (blogger-youtube) decided to deplatform me. In this effort they have gone to extreme lengths by even suggesting very bad hashstags. As I fight the Google fight- having just lost 2 sites. Ukraine and China. Yes- they had a win! But what are you fighting I ask? I post- blog- upload videos and try my best to reach out to the nations.
I make no money- it costs me money- and do advocate for the down n out in society. Maybe they saw 1 link to a conservative site- and that was it! Let's take him down NOW. let's even violate all business ethics in this fight! I really am not sure what good you are accomplishing to be honest. Your rabid non stop attack did succeed in losing China n Ukraine. It is truly damaging to what I do. I would prefer spending time with my homeless friends. But I have become the enemy to them and they will not stop the war. It's sad for the last week or so for me to have spent time on this- actually Mike- a homeless friend just now showed up under the bridge- perfect timing
Sunday sermon [Next week I will have a fixed sermon- John]
1Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
Blogger note-
Last note- This Sunday sermon [and all?] is not the whole post. Today- Friday- I prepare this post. I used the old Blog link to do this. At the bottom of this you see it. Because the Blogger link is dead- well you just get the top of the Sunday sermon. I must say my experience with Google- Blogger- Yotube these past feww weeks has been the worst. On the notes/videos below you will see activity from the company that is criminal in nature. These are now documented by me saving the Links to posts this past week. The lesson has been learned- the damage is done- and there activity with me is documented- John
This weeks updates-
9-14-24 The Cup is full
9-14-24 News Update- [Russia- Ukraine- The West]
9-13-24 He held the bag [These are links from the posts this last week- I also spoke about this on these posts- John]
9-11-24 4pm- Just realized the date now- and yes- that’s
the way most things are for me. I just got back from seeing homeless friends for about 3 hours.
Talked to one for some time. About life- recovery and end of life to come. Quoted and taught from the words of Jesus about a few things he himself brought up.
He- like many others was clean for about 4 months and had what many call a relapse. So I tried to give some insights how not to give up and a little more in depth talk about my view of recovery.
Now- why write this note- the first in a very long time? Well my word software does not have spell check at the moment- sure- I can go back and check- but this takes a bit more time.
Also- I don’t have the time anymore to write new stuff- this m ight be the last ‘new’ entry- ever. Over time I hoped most people realized that I have been reposting old posts from years gone by.
Sure- I try and check for old news comments and stuff, and if I can remove them I do. But I have made notes [Somewhere?] that this is what you night see from time to time. I simply am not at the time in life to write new things anymore [or make new videos- unless I have to]
If sites I’m on see a page titled ‘New Sites’ which is an old page of a few old sites which I did not change to a new title yet [Catalog scroll shares]- some of these sites are to the right of the aisle- then they might think ‘these are his NEW sites- we must delete the entire Blog site!’
[Which just happened to 2 Blog sites- one of them was the main website from the start- much damage was done because I used Blogger links in many posts over the years, these are now what we call ‘dead links’ and that’s not good at all]
No- those are my older sites- just a few of many- and it just so happens that some of those are to the right of the aisle. But if you go to the page titled ‘Links to my sites’ you will see many more sites and some of those are to the left of the aisle.
I am on about 127 sites right now all over the world.
So life is at times full of stuff- stuff you have to get done- stuff you need to get done- and stuff you want to get done.
For me- it’s nice to hit the keyboard for the first time in a long time [to write] but that’s “Stuff” I don’t do anymore [Just took me a minute to find the quotation mark- really].
So- I pray God will bless you all- I will try to keep posting old “stuff”’ because most of the important teachings in the New Testament are in those re-posted studies.
And I don’t have time to re-write what I have written before.
God bless all- John [ I am adding this note again to the Sunday post, so I don’t lose it- John]
9-12-24 Sundar Pichai [Message to him]
9-12-24 Sundar Pichai- CEO Google.mp4
On this video I’m talking about the hashtag that Chrome recommended to me the last few weeks- Hashtags that spoke of self harm- or ‘die’ which are hashtags I never used in my life. I spoke about this on the videos the last week [Youtube has just now blocked my main channel and banned this video- it is uploaded to a backup account]. This came to the attention of the authorities and they now see what was being recommended did indeed come from google. I emailed Sundar Pichai yesterday and made this video to let him know that this was the problem- most of all- about what’s now happening. This is no longer about a Blog or being Banned from Youtube- this is about criminal activity. You cannot suggest a person ‘Die’ or do self harm by suggesting that hashtag to him, over and over again. Note- I did not contact the authorities about this- they obviously saw my videos this week. John Chiarello
Moblie update 9-12-24 Link here-
Update- as you know for some reason Google (blogger-youtube) decided to deplatform me. In this effort they have gone to extreme lengths by even suggesting very bad hashstags. As I fight the Google fight- having just lost 2 sites. Ukraine and China. Yes- they had a win! But what are you fighting I ask? I post- blog- upload videos and try my best to reach out to the nations.
I make no money- it costs me money- and do advocate for the down n out in society. Maybe they saw 1 link to a conservative site- and that was it! Let’s take him down NOW. let’s even violate all business ethics in this fight! I really am not sure what good you are accomplishing to be honest. Your rabid non stop attack did succeed in losing China n Ukraine. It is truly damaging to what I do. I would prefer spending time with my homeless friends. But I have become the enemy to them and they will not stop the war. It’s sad for the last week or so for me to have spent time on this- actually Mike- a homeless friend just now showed up under the bridge- perfect timing
1Kings 21:20 And Ahab said to Elijah, Hast thou found me, O mine enemy? And he answered, I have found thee: because thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the LORD.
1Kings 21:21 Behold, I will bring evil upon thee, and will take away thy posterity, and will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel,
Kings 21 videos-!Aocp2PkNEAGMgWvbgKh0hf3a1jv5
This weeks updates-
9-10-24 Notice to Youtube
9-10-24 Youtubes hosting criminal content- Remove it today.mp4
9-10-24 The coming stock crash and other news and history
9-10-24 The coming stock crash n other important things.mp4[Lots of history on this one- I meant Sam Bankmen not Altman- Gave a view on the fall of FTX that I never heard before]
This week I had huge problems when Blogger simply removed 2 blogs without notice- it was great damage because one of the blogs was the main ‘web’ site from the early days- many friends [Kingsville- etc] found us this way for years and because I counted it as a trusted site- I have thousands of Blogger links spread thru out many web sites- that’s simply not good at all- these are now considered ‘dead Links’ which does damage to the enitre network- it’s like being hacked in a way. So I have been trying to fix things- for a company to remove a main ‘web’ site of a ministry that’s been there for at least 20 to 25 years is amazing. It’s not a matter of blocking a person for a few weeks from Facebook- it’s shuttting down a main ministry access point that’s been there for a long time. John
[Started the ministry in 1987 and went on-line not long after- the Blog was one of the first sites- so it might have been around longer- I actually don’t remember the exact year to be honest]
9-11-24 4pm- Just realised the date now- and yes- that’s
the way most things are for me. I just got back from seeing homeless friends for about 3 hours.
Talked to one for some time. About life- recovery and end of life to come. Qouted and taught from the words of Jesus about a few things he himself brought up.
He- like many others was clean for about 4 months and had what many call a relapse. So I tried to give some insights how not to give up and a little more in depth talk about my view of recovery.
Now- why write this note- the first in a very long time? Well my word software does not have spell check at the moment- sure- I can go back and check- but this takes a bit more time.
Also- I don’t have the time anymore to write new stuff- this m ight be the last ‘new’ entry- ever. Over time I hoped most people realised that I have been reposting old ‘posts’ from years gone by.
sure- I try and check for old news coments and stuff, and if I can I remove them. But I have made notes [Somewhere?] that this is what you night see from time to time. I simply am not at the time in life to write new things anymore [or make new videos- unless I have to]
If sites I’m on see a page titled ‘New Sites’ which is an old page of a few old sites- some to the right some to the left- then they might think ‘these are his NEW sights- we must delete it all’.
No- those are my older sites- just a few of many- and it just so happens that these are to the right of the aisle [see- no spell check!] so life is at times full of stuff- stuff you have to get done- stuff you need to get done- and stuff you want to get done.
For me- it’s nice ti hit the keyboard for the first time in a long time [to write] but that’s “Stuff”. I don’t do anymore [Just took me a minute to find the quotation mark- really].
So- I pray God will bless you all- I will try to keep posting old “stuff”” because most of the imporatnt teachings in the New Testament are in those re-posted studies.
And I don’t have to to re- write- what I have written before.
God bless all- John [16 minutes to type this- now a quick manual spell check]
900pm Wednesday- Final note- I never relook at a post this late. My experience mentioned above has effected all of this. I was going to add the Youtube LINk- I think titled ‘Deboy Lister speaks’ eitehr way it is one of many that spoke about what many call social justice- a Black man killed by the cops in Corpus. I advocated for him on this video. His son wrote me a note- I think on Youtube ‘Mr John I am Deboy Lisetrs son’ I saw it motnhs later. He needed someone to advocate for the voiceless. I have many like this on corruption- Judges- The actual cartels in my city! Now- for me to have spoken about these issues have been with a price. About 2 months ago someone shot at my house- no big deal to be honest- I mentioned it at the time. Will I ever psot those again? Of course not- your entire media presence will be gone. You run the danger of losing every post- video- all the work you have ever done. Today I’m debating on closing some of the sites that see this post down. Why- out of spite? No- I learned over time when you have so many posts on a site- it’s better to leave the site as is- with active links [20 years worth] then to risk losing the whole site with a post that’s flagged. I have done this to about 35 sites the past few years. It’s a principle I learned. So- Some of the older sites that see this- that’s why you don’t see me there- it’s not worht the risk. I just closed about 5 the last 2 weeks. Meaning the site had thousands of posts already- better to not post than lose 15 years of posts. Ok- Ukraine site was closed by me today. So this experience has put a chill in me to speak out on just about anything. Rather leave the Deboy Lister videos- posts up- then lose them all at once. John.
– No time to spell check this
.Cars and Google
.Naboth’s vineyard
.The land was a covenant promise
1Kings 20:11 And the king of Israel answered and said, Tell him, Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off.
New Site- Not perfect but needed to replace the main Blog I had for years. It will take many months to remove Blogger links from posts. Other sites do not want dead links in posts- John
9-9-24 Youtube Rabbit Hole interent mystery [News update]
9-9-24 Youtube Rabbit hole- Lots of coverage of world events.mp4
9-9-24 Late update- Google won’t stop doing it!
Kings 20 videos-!Aocp2PkNEAGMhQkN3YrR5CnNEDzw
.A ripped bible page
.Billy Graham
Ephesians 6:23 Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 6:24 Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.
These are the 2 Christian sites that Blogger removed after 15 years of posting-
Ephesians 6 videos-
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 19, 2024Posted inUncategorizedLeave a commenton Update
Kings 22
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 19, 2024Posted inUncategorizedTags:apostle, baptist, bible, blessing, blessings, Catholic, ccoutreach87, Christian, church, evangelist, faith, GOD, grace, Jesus, Jesus only, mindfulness, mystic, oneness, orthodox, pastor, Pentecostal, philosophy, prayer, prophet, protestant, religion, spirituality, teacher, trinityLeave a commenton Kings 22
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 17, 2024Posted inUncategorizedLeave a commenton Update
Ephesians 6
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 17, 2024Posted inUncategorizedTags:apostle, baptist, bible, blessing, blessings, Catholic, ccoutreach87, Christian, church, evangelist, faith, GOD, grace, Jesus, Jesus only, mindfulness, mystic, oneness, orthodox, pastor, Pentecostal, prayer, prophet, protestant, religion, spirituality, teacher, trinityLeave a commenton Ephesians 6
New site
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 15, 2024Posted inUncategorizedLeave a commenton New site
Sunday sermon
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 15, 2024Posted inUncategorizedTags:apostle, baptist, bible, blessing, blessings, Catholic, ccoutreach87, Christian, church, evangelist, faith, GOD, grace, Jesus, Jesus only, mindfulness, mystic, oneness, orthodox, pastor, Pentecostal, philosophy, prayer, prophet, protestant, religion, spirituality, trinityLeave a commenton Sunday sermon
Kings 21
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 12, 2024Posted inUncategorizedTags:apostle, baptist, bible, blessing, blessings, Catholic, ccoutreach87, Christian, church, evangelist, faith, GOD, grace, Jesus, Jesus only, mindfulness, mystic, oneness, orthodox, pastor, Pentecostal, philosophy, prayer, prophet, protestant, religion, spirituality, teacher, trinityLeave a commenton Kings 21
Kings 20
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 10, 2024Posted inUncategorizedTags:apostle, baptist, bible, blessing, blessings, Catholic, ccoutreach87, Christian, church, evangelist, faith, GOD, grace, Jesus, Jesus only, mindfulness, mystic, oneness, orthodox, pastor, Pentecostal, philosophy, prayer, prophet, protestant, religion, spirituality, teacher, trinityLeave a commenton Kings 20
Sunday sermon
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 8, 2024Posted inUncategorizedTags:apostle, baptist, bible, blessing, blessings, Catholic, ccoutreach87, Christian, church, evangelist, faith, GOD, grace, Jesus, Jesus only, mindfulness, mystic, oneness, orthodox, pastor, Pentecostal, philosophy, prayer, prophet, protestant, religion, spirituality, teacher, trinityLeave a commenton Sunday sermon
Ephesians 5
Posted byCcoutreachSeptember 5, 2024Posted inUncategorizedTags:apostle, baptist, bible, blessing, blessings, Catholic, ccoutreach87, evangelist, faith, GOD, grace, Jesus, Jesus only, mindfulness, mystic, oneness, orthodox, pastor, Pentecostal, philosophy, prayer, prophet, protestant, religion, spirituality, teacher, trinityLeave a c
· I am shutting Blogger down right now- in the prcoe...
· Vids
· Reels
· the next few weeks I'll be creating text posts her...
· Vids
· Update
· The Hacker wars full documentary
· Kings 22
· Vids
· What does Sundar say about all this?
· last- the posts are linked to the sites I share to...
· 5
· 4
· 3
· 2
· The next few are posts exposing blogger from my ot...
· Vids
· Vids [about 40 percent of viewers lost us- they on...
· Update
· Vids
· Test-
· Vids- Testing Blogger Links to Corpuschristioutrea...
· Vids
· Vids
· ccoutreach [ .org]: IG/FB
· Sundar's options (ceo Google)
· Sundar 3
· Elon?
· These are my sites- You can also find this week's ...
· Sundar- 2 blogs were removed and links all
· Blogger removed 2 sites- 1 I had for around 12 years-
· Vids
· Blogger note. I documented illegal activity by Goo...
· Kings 21 (documented criminal activity of Google o...
· Criminal activity of Blogger- Google documented he...
I am shutting Blogger down right now- in the prcoess I am locked out of my youtube- I might close both bolggers and Youtube today- I planned on leaving you tube active
I am shutting this down right now- as well as the other blogger- planned on leaving youtube active but am locked out- if youtube wont allow access I will need to shut that too? John
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